FaithBridge is, in essence, a partnership–between communities, individuals, and organizations. We are about creating relationships.


FaithBridge is a member of the North American Interfaith Network.

Board Members currently come from:

American Muslim Community Organization, Lake in the Hills, IL

Dept of Mission & Spiritual Care, Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, IL

Saint Anne Catholic Community of Barrington, IL

First Congregational Church of Crystal Lake, IL

Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church of Cary, IL

Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple of Woodstock, IL

McHenry County Jewish Congregation, Crystal Lake, IL

Tree of Life Universalist Congregation, McHenry, IL

Cary United Methodist Church, Cary, IL

Community Church of Fox River Grove, IL

Bethany Lutheran Church of Crystal Lake, IL

The founding organizations that created FaithBridge in 2007 included:

Bethany Lutheran Church of Crystal Lake, IL
Hindu Mandir of Lake County, IL
First Congregational Church of Crystal Lake, IL
Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple of Woodstock, IL
Ridgefield Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church, IL
McHenry County Jewish Congregation, IL
St. Paul’s UCC of Barrington, IL
Presbyterian Church of Barrington, IL
Center for Spiritual Evolution in Cary, IL
Community Church of Barrington, IL
American Muslim Community Organization, Lake in the Hills, IL
Dept. of Mission & Spiritual Care, Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, IL