Faith-to-Faith, Face-to-Face is a two-year adult certification class in interfaith studies. Adapting a model first developed by the London Interfaith Centre, this course is divided into the following modules that explore each tradition separately: (1) Historical Beginnings and Foundational Stories, (2) Sacred Texts and Principles of Interpretation, (3) Approaches to Peace and Justice, (4) Marking Sacred Time, (4) Stages of Life and Rites of Passage, (5) Unity and Diversity Within Each Tradition, and (6) The Interfaith Landscape. The five predominant religions of the NW Chicago suburbs are emphasized – Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism – though other faiths also are explored. FaithBridge recruits from a large pool of talented presenters within the wider Chicago community. These include professors, professional educators and spiritual leaders who practice the faith traditions they represent. Collectively, they represent male and female leadership within each tradition, and embody the diversity of those traditions. Altogether, about 30 presenters will participate from Chicago Theological Seminary, Lake Forest College, Loyola University, DePaul University, Islamic College, the Parliament of World Religions, Interfaith Youth Core, Niagara Foundation and other academic institutions, as well as synagogues, mosques, churches, mandirs, temples and societies in the region.
Site visits and projects are required.
Faithbridge has offered this class since 2009. For more information, contact Dr. Gilbert Friend-Jones (buddfj@gmail.com).